The population is aging with the percentage of the nineties that grows year after year, but the statistical surveys on the effects of the greater presence of super seniors, quality of life and physical and mental health at that age are just beginning.

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A recent study by Allianz S.p.A. has focused attention on a phenomenon that unfortunately has been too long overlooked by statisticians over the world: that dell'ultrainvecchiamento the population, especially the developed countries.
No talking, in this case the normal historical trend of a gradual but slow process of lengthening the average life of the world's population, but a relatively recent trend: the nineties and the normal presence of centenarians in our country and across countries more advanced, which was launched in the second half of the twentieth century and that is a sharp increase since the beginning of this century.
According to the research of the insurance group, which is based on UN demographic forecasts, already by 2050 people with over 90 years of age will, in fact, destined to grow by six times, with a presence equal to supernonni more than 71 million and 3.2 million who have already turned off the hundredth candle. Moreover, demographers have no doubt that the barrier of 110 years will be overtaken by such a large number of people who can no longer be considered extraordinary.
The focus areas of the world where the largest number of centenarians will be Europe and Asia, while Switzerland and Japan will remain and the leaders of the world rankings of the states with the highest life expectancy at birth.
As pointed out by the same investigation and as John D'Agata, a component of the Department of National Theme "Consumer Protection" of Italy of Values ??and founder of the "Door of Rights", to reiterate, despite these forecasts, to date studies quality of life and physical and mental health in those ages are almost a year "zero" in consideration of the fact that until a few decades ago the people who exceeded the bar of 90 years were relatively few, with the result that surveys on the topic are scarce, which joins another fact not irrelevant all'inaffidabilità of its registers prior to World War II.
Another aspect, which we believe is undervalued by economists also because of the problems already outlined, is related to the shortage of predictions about the effects that the superinvecchiamento will have on our economies and the welfare of the individual states, as an aging inevitably match different needs and requirements for citizenship.
All that remains is to spur economists and statisticians to let us know what will happen to prevent the risk of erosion of the welfare state.